Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Economy...and where I stand on it...

Times have been rough on all of us in dealing with the economy. For Christmas, I have felt that I would be lucky to not only make it to Christmas--but to be smart about what I purchase. I have been stressed about it a bit, because this one will different than most others. As much as I want to make it special--and do something festive, I wanted to take a cautious approach to it. The e-word (economy) has a direct correlation to this idea.

I have never been one to go shopping on just a whim. I like to plan it out and make it special. I think it's important. Further, it makes the meaning of whatever is done even more special. If you have any suggestions out there--please pass them along. I am willing to listen to them!

(Circulation's Dark Knight)

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