A little under 2 years ago, I discovered this really cool website devoted to people being able to share small movies online. People from all over would be able to not only share these items, but be able to share them in a way that people could comment on the content, rate a video or share it on their own webpage or send a link in an email to other friends. The site's name is YouTube. If you haven't heard of it by now, then, it might just mean that you haven't been around the net.
However, over time--YouTube grew in staggering popularity. People would pull out their digital cameras, their video cameras, or even their CAMERAPHONES to film their stuff. Much of the work is diverse. Everything from political to video games. As time wore on, YouTube got so big, that Google bought them and added to their empire.
Even now, CML uses YouTube to communicate messages at times. There were some news stories about CML throughout the year and YouTube was used to on CMLsi (our staff intranet) to communicate it to all of our staff. I still have an account with YouTube that I use on a semi-regular basis. You can find so much on YouTube that it was at first--overwhelming, but there are also times that you may come across something that is a rarity.
Some internet browsers offer an add-on to download YouTube videos to your hard drive. Check out the FireFox website for more details.
YouTube...you never know what you may find...
PS: I am adding a video on the new Google Phone through T-Mobile called the "G1". This should be interesting. Watch!
ALA 2012 #alaleftbehind
12 years ago
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